Important Notices



All students are expected to attend school every day. However, if a child is absent, for any reason, parents are requested to advise the class teacher, by telephone or by email before 7:15 am on the day of absence.

Total absences of each student will be recorded on student report card.

To ensure the safety of all students, the school will contact parents by telephone if children have not arrived at school by 8:00 am. Parents who have advised the school about the absence will not be contacted.

A minimum of attendance required for promotion to next level is 90%.

Due to illness or injury, if a student is likely to be absent for more than 3 school days, leave form with medical certificate should be submitted to the coordinators for school principal’s approval. We will arrange for work to be sent home at parent request. It is the student’s responsibility to find out and 'make up' missed class work.

EARLY GOING: It is expected that students will remain at school for the duration of the school day. In unavoidable situations, parents must contact the school in advance to seek permission to collect their child/ren early. Otherwise, please make appointments for students outside of school hours.


In all cases where a child must be picked up from school prior to the normal dismissal time, The following procedures must be followed:

  • In the case of medical appointments the parent are asked to notify the school prior to 10:00 AM on the day of the absence that the child has an appointment.
  • In all cases, the parent or the authorized representative of the parent must come to the Main Administration Office to fill and sign the Early Going Form.
  • The parent is given a gate pass to turn in at the gate as they leave campus, these slips will be collected at the end of the day.